Many commercial and personal applications GPS technology has been developed in the last decade and the list continues to grow and speed quickly.
At the beginning of the use of GPS tracking was included in the test when the British and French governments worked about the construction of new tunnels under the British channel connecting Britain and France. With the availability of GPS receivers, it is much easier for the work crew who tunnel from both ends of the tunnel to dig directly with each other and meet almost perfectly in the middle. Because this success has many mines and underground facilities utilizing technology.
The GPS system has been used in many emergency situations to find missing or trapped people. Some emergency response services have integrated GPS recipients into their response systems that tell them that police cars, ambulances, or fire trucks are closest to emergency locations so they can respond as soon as possible. They can also use aircraft equipped with positioning equipment that allows them to quickly update forest fires for those who direct the fire crew on the ground.
One use that is one of the most common use of GPS is a car navigation system. Ships and aircraft have used technology for years, but now this navigation system is a standard equipment in many cars and vehicles (especially rental cars). This can be proven to be very helpful when traveling in a foreign area on business or on vacation and can also help in finding vehicles during an emergency situation.
With a reduction in size and price of transportation device GPS devices and public transportation departments have begun to install tracking systems that monitor company vehicles, trains and buses. This allows them to track shipping and increase their efficiency, scheduling and security.
Teamster is not the only one who benefits from the miracle of this technology. Even farmers find ways to benefit because larger farms have installed GPS trackers on their tractors that allow them to work in the night field or in low visibility situations. They also tie this system to another sensor that monitors the condition of the land and maps the problem area.
Science has also benefited greatly since the development of the first satellite system, using a GPS system for work vary as monitoring holes in the earth’s ozone layer, tracking air quality in the industrial area and placing buoys in the ocean to track spill oil. Archaeologists and biologists also get actions using GPS to help at the location of ancient ruins, track migration of various herds, and monitor endangered species.
This device also becomes more personal because pet owners can now have tracking chips implanted in their pets so they can be found if they are lost and because many people who use handheld devices have taken a geo-caching hobby where they use the GPS system to find “Treasure” which has been hidden by other geo-cacher throughout the world. One thing is certain. We just saw the beginning of the GPS effect on our lives.